Anti-Ragging Cell

An anti-ragging cell is a committee or department typically found in educational institutions, such as colleges, and universities. Its primary objective is to prevent and address incidents of ragging or bullying within the institution and ensure the safety and well-being of students. Our College also has a strong and vibrant anti ragging cell to address the issues related to ragging or bullying of any student inside the campus.

Functioning of an Anti-Ragging Cell:

  1. Prevention and Awareness: The anti-ragging cell is responsible for creating awareness among students about the consequences of ragging. They organize orientation programs, workshops, and awareness campaigns to educate students about the harmful effects of ragging and the legal implications associated with it.
  2. Policy Formulation: The cell formulates and implements policies and guidelines to prevent ragging. They develop a comprehensive anti-ragging policy that clearly defines what constitutes ragging, the penalties for those involved, and the mechanisms for reporting and addressing complaints.
  3. Complaint Registration: The anti-ragging cell provides a platform for students to report incidents of ragging. They establish a complaint registration system, ensuring confidentiality and protection for the complainant. Complaints can be submitted online, through dedicated helplines, or in person.
  4. Investigation and Action: Upon receiving a complaint, the cell initiates an investigation to ascertain the veracity of the allegations. They interview witnesses, collect evidence, and gather information related to the incident. If found guilty, appropriate disciplinary action is taken against the perpetrators, which may include suspension, expulsion, or legal consequences as per the severity of the offense.
  5. Counseling and Support: The cell offers counselling and support services to victims of ragging. They provide a safe space for victims to express their concerns and emotions and help them cope with the trauma.
  6. Regular Monitoring: The anti-ragging cell conducts regular monitoring and surveillance within the institution to detect any instances of ragging. They may deploy anti-ragging squads or assign faculty members to monitor common areas and hostels. Additionally, they interact with students and maintain open communication channels to ensure a safe and conducive learning environment. 
  1. Collaboration with External Agencies: The anti-ragging cell collaborates with external agencies, such as the police, legal authorities, and local administration, to handle severe cases of ragging. They cooperate in the investigation process and provide necessary information or evidence to aid in legal proceedings.
  2. Awareness Evaluation: The cell periodically evaluates the effectiveness of their awareness programs and policies. They collect feedback from students, faculty, and staff to identify areas of improvement and make necessary changes to enhance the anti-ragging measures.

It is important to note that the functioning of an anti-ragging cell may vary across different educational institutions, but the core objective remains the same to create a safe and nurturing environment for students by preventing and addressing incidents of ragging.

Students in distress due to ragging related incidents can directly contact the college number 022-25263132 or email us directly to

In case of emergency the students / parents in distress owing to ragging may contact on following numbers 022-25263132  /  23 _/_983320606 h 6 or use National Anti- Ragging Helpline 1800-180-5522 (Toll Free) or visit college website at an earliest and fill the complaint registration form.

   Anti-ragging Email id :

 Mr. CS Priyadarshan Shede
Ms. Angel JiniMember


Anti-Ragging Committee Policy

University Circular for Anti-Ragging

National Antiragging Affidavit Registration

Complaint Registration Form