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Smart Class Rooms

The College has a smart room which is wi-fi enabled. The resources that a faculty enjoys here are permanently placed in simple, easy-to-use configurations. It promotes proper learning environment, simple, friendly and non-intimidating classroom technology which inspires the presenters who rely on improvisation, spontaneity and audience participation.


Computer Labs

A computer lab in a college is a designated space equipped with computers and other related technology to support students' academic-related activities . These labs are intended to provide students with access to various software, internet resources, and tools they may need for their coursework, projects, and assignments. We have 124 computers in our computer labs. Another two computer labs with 70 computers are almost ready for use. Computer labs are equipped with a set of computers, typically running on the latest operating systems and loaded with a variety of software applications relevant to different academic disciplines. Computer labs usually have good internet connectivity, allowing students to conduct online research, access digital libraries, and utilize online learning resources. Computer labs are open to all registered students of the college. Students can use the lab during designated hours, and in some cases, labs might be accessible after regular college hours. We have lab assistant in the computer labs to assist students during their theory and practical session.

Overall, computer labs play a vital role in supporting students' academic endeavours and ensuring they have access to the necessary tools and resources to succeed in their studies. With the increasing integration of technology into education, computer labs continue to be essential components of college campuses.

Seminar Hall

We have a huge, beautifully furnished seminar room that can be used to host seminars, conferences, workshops, extracurricular activities, and other academic events. The seminar hall serves as the focal point for promoting scholarly discourse, knowledge exchange, and a supportive learning environment. It can easily hold 200 people in attendance at once. It has audio-visual equipment like speakers, a projector, a screen, and microphones. Presenters can effectively engage the audience and spread their messages thanks to these tools. To reduce outside noise intrusions and promote effective communication between presenters and the audience, seminar hall has superior acoustic design. Improved acoustics are made possible by the use of sound-absorbing materials on the walls, ceilings, and flooring. There are frequently choices for adjusting the illumination, including dimming or brightening.


The college library is the central point of our College for students and faculties. It offers a wide range of materials, including books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and electronic resources, to support academic pursuits and it also has access to electronic databases, e-books, and online journals.

Study Spaces: Our library provides dedicated areas for students to study and work on assignments. These spaces include individual study spaces, computers, and quiet reading areas. Similarly separate reading space along with computers with internet facilities are provided to the faculties for reading and research.

Reference and Research Assistance: Librarian and the library staff are always available to assist students and faculty with their academic and research needs. Library staff helps to locate relevant resources, provide guidance on research methodologies, and offer assistance in navigating library databases.

Borrowing Materials: The College library typically has an automated lending system that allows students and faculty to borrow textbooks and reference books and other resources for a specified period.

Sports and Gymkhana

Sports and gymkhana play a vital role in colleges, contributing significantly to the overall development and well-being of students. We have well equipped gymkhana and spacious sports ground. We got basketball court, volleyball court, turf ground etc. Sport grounds are well maintained and has sports director and also has sports assistant too. Sports and gymkhana activities encourage students to engage in regular physical exercise, promoting good health and well-being. Teamwork and leadership: Sports, especially team sports, promote teamwork and collaboration. Students learn how to work together towards a common goal, respect each other's strengths and weaknesses, and develop leadership skills. Overall, sports and gymkhana play an essential role in colleges by nurturing the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of students while fostering essential life skills that go beyond the academic curriculum. It enriches the college experience and contributes to the holistic development of students.

The sports activities are managed by a committee comprising of following member:

  • Sports Incharge- Ms.Poonam Mujawar
  • Members- Ms. Reshma Khudabax, Ms. Nahid Shaikh, Mr. Zaid Khan


The college canteen, also known as the college cafeteria. It serves as a central place for students, faculty, and staff to grab a meal, socialize, and relax during their breaks between classes or work. Our canteen has many food options suiting to the needs of faculties and students. Since college students come from economically deprived sections of society, canteens generally strive to offer reasonably priced meals and deals to accommodate their financial constraints. But there is no compromise in the quality. College canteens typically operate during regular college hours, making it convenient for students to grab a meal between classes. The canteen acts as a social hub, providing a space for students to gather, interact, and relax outside of the classroom setting. Proper hygiene and food safety are crucial in college canteens to ensure that the food served is safe and healthy for consumption. We take regular feedback from various stakeholders about the canteen to maintain and improve the quality of services.

WI-FI Enabled Campus

A Wi-Fi-enabled campus where the campus is equipped with a wireless network that provides internet connectivity to students, faculties. The campus provides Wi-Fi connectivity in all possible places of campus. Faculties can connect their devices, such as laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other Wi-Fi-enabled devices in the campus. The campus Wi-Fi network makes teaching and research activities much easy and more attractive. Faculties can utilise online resources, conduct virtual classes, share multimedia content, and engage students in interactive learning activities that require Internet connectivity. Administrative offices can use the Wi-Fi network for tasks such as online enrolment, managing student records, conducting online meetings, and communication between various departments. The college has sufficient bandwidth to cover all important areas of campus. A Wi-Fi-enabled campus enhances the learning and working experience by providing convenient and reliable internet access to all members of the campus. It facilitates communication, collaboration, and access to online resources, contributing to a more connected and modern educational environment.


The college building and its classrooms overlook large open spaces called as Quadrangle. The Quadrangles are used for open air functions where large audience can be accommodated. They are mainly used for events and functions like the Republic Day function, Annual Inter – Collegiate events, Annual College Festival “Oasis” and many other events like Personality Contest, Fashion Show, Orchestra etc.

Stilt Area

The stilt area in our College is a central open space on all four sides. The stilt area serve as gathering spaces, social hubs, and activity centres of our College. This provides a central location for students, faculty, and staff to gather, socialize and interact. It is a place where people can meet between classes, study, relax, and engage in various activities. The Colleges often host events, fairs, outdoor performances, and other activities in the quadrangle due to its spacious layout. The stilt can foster a sense of community and belonging among students, faculty, and staff. It's a place where people from various backgrounds can come together and connect.

Green Campus

Our College campus is popularly known as the green campus. The goal of our green campus is to create a more sustainable and environmentally conscious learning environment for students, faculties and staff. We take initiative for the comprehensive waste management programs to minimize waste generation This includes providing recycling bins throughout the campus and encouraging students and staff to participate in recycling initiatives. We constantly promote environmental education and raise awareness about sustainability issues among students, faculty, and staff. This may include workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns. Green spaces and campus gardens enhance the aesthetic appeal of campus to the parents, faculties, and students. Our NSS volunteers work a lot to maintain the green campus through various environmentally friendly activities. Green campuses play a crucial role in fostering environmental consciousness, inspiring future generations of leaders, and contributing to a more sustainable future for our planet. In a city like Mumbai where space crunch is the main issue and vertical expansion is the norm of the day, this type of spacious eco-friendly green campus is a unique feature.