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Vision, Mission & Objectives


Empowerment through Higher Education to all strata of Society.


Quality education to all irrespective of caste, creed, socio-economic status and uplift the poor and downtrodden.

Enhancing the personality by fostering moral and ethical values and to produce dynamic and able minded youth.


► Maintain good academic standards through innovative and effective teaching, learning methods.
► Focus on learner-centric teaching to make learning a happy, joyful and fruitful experience.
► Sensitize students on vital social issues raging across the globe and guide them to emerge as socially responsible citizens of the nation.
► Motivate students to achieve discipline, self-mastery and professionalism.
► Enable students to meet the needs, demands and challenges ahead and excel in life.
► To aim at all round development of students and groom their talents through meaningful co-curricular, extracurricular activities with an emphasis on integrity and ethics.
► To have a positive approach towards development and progress of youth, highlight their inherent powers and inspire them to realize their full potential.